Magazine F - Issue 26 Bread
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Bread is a food made by fermenting and baking a dough made of grain-based flour like wheat flour, water, yeast, and salt. Though the ingredients are simple, how time, temperature, and fermentation are adjusted can produce endless flavor and shape possibilities. Dating back more than 10,000 years, the history of bread tells a story of how this important food item went from being a staple on the table to becoming a snack or dessert item with the addition of fat, butter, eggs, and sugar. Today, everyone from specialty bakeries, food companies and fine dining restaurants to cafés and home bakers are creating new baking techniques and recipes to suit individual preferences and tastes.
Bread making takes time. Of course, with all sorts of additives, you can save time. But I don’t think it’s natural to artificially shorten time to cut costs. Time is a quintessential factor for bread to gain flavor and texture.
Travor Gulliver & Fergus Henderson, Cofounders of St. John
Bread is magic—a form of alchemy. You get a lot more out of it than you put in. Some fine dining restaurants used to say you had to serve various kinds of bread and butter of different flavors and aromas as a high-quality chef.
Isaac Mchale, Owner-chef of The Clove Club